Friday, September 2, 2011

Wu-Tang Clan: C.R.E.A.M.

I have a hazy-ass memory of my friend named DJ Uniq in early high school rapping over the instrumental version of this song, so now I'll forever link it in my mind with red Christmas lights and incense smoke. Some time after that, MC Uniq went to California, took part in a driveby, and got shot in the ribs. HARD KNOCKS LIFE.


  1. Don't judge me, but this is, I'm almost positive, only the 2nd time I've ever listened to the Wu-Tang Clan. And the 1st time was with you in the car the other day. So thank, you have broadened my musical horizon yet again.

    Oh also, I like it.

  2. Wu-Tang is a very large world to investigate. I'm only just now scratching the surface, to be honest.
